On Tuesday I went alone to the top of Ledinski vrh (2108 m). I woke up early but today I know that it would be better if I waited until 10 o'clock and started my trek then. I didn't like the rotten smell in a valley and there was dampness hanging in the air. The path was steep, not an easy one with wire ropes and wedges around every corner. I would like to know who wrote on a sign at the beginning of this path that it was an easy one. It is certainly not appropriate for dizzy people. Later I reached a hut which was closed. It was cold and clouds began to gather on top of the highest mountains. Not a good sign. A few minutes from the hut I came across the remnants of an ex-glacier.
Climatic changes (caused by human) melted most of it. People used to ski there during summer months. Today mostly rocks can be seen there. And chamois. And remnants of the bullets with which hunters killed chamois.
It was such vastness up there! Such loneliness! I reached the top and went down again to search for a sheltered spot to eat my lunch.
In an early afternoon clouds started to disperse and wind calmed down. I found an old path (obviously these days used by hunters only) and followed it. And rested. I wondered at the solitude and beauty around me.
So, if I had to choose between these two treks, I would choose the first one. I could describe the first one as "joy" and the second one as "solitude". And for sure I prefer joy to solitude. :)
A šteješ osvojene dvatisočake?
Ne, iščem lepe poti in razglede. :D
Se pa sliši bolj "visokogorsko", če je spredaj dvojka, ane! :)
Krasne fotke! Si šla s planine Ravne ali s planine Podvežak? Bi pot zmogla tudi psa?
Jaz sem se pa letos zaljubila v poti in vrhove nad Zajzero ;-).
Šla sva s planine Podvežak. Pot je do odcepa na vrh prijetna, potem se strmo vzpne. Mislim, da za psa ne bi bilo težav, ker ni kakšnega posebnega plezanja. Samo, da se ne bosta podila za belkami! :) Jih je ob poti na vrh kar nekaj in so zelo plašne.
Bilo je super, psa belk nista podila, pot bi pa sama ocenila kot visokogorski sprehod. Pojma nimam, kdaj pridobiš toliko višine, meni se je zdelo, da ves čas hodimo po ravnem, zadnjega vzpona pa je konec, preden se sploh začne :-).
Psa sta neizmerno uživala, jaz pa z njima. Res hvala za tole objavo, si me spravila v konce, ki jih ne poznam. Se bom pa še vrnila, poti tam okoli so res lepe; ena taka izboljšana verzija Komne z okolico, hehe :-).
@Maja: :) Tudi meni so letos tisti konci postali všeč. O vzponu na vrh sem imela enako mnenje kot ti - mimogrede si gor.
Naslednjič poišči jezero Vodotočnik, ki je v bližini (fotke sem tudi objavila v enem od postov), pa se povzpnite na Desko (lahko narediš krožno). Tam je tudi lepo. Ni visokogorsko, je pa lep sprehod. Izhodišče je lahko isto.
Another set of amazing photos from your adventures. I had to look up the word chamois, since I only know of it as a cleaning and drying cloth. :-)
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