- enjoying some time in my garden again, gathering some paprika, parsley and thyme. I cut paprikas into small pieces and froze them. They will be used in sauces later in winter. I also froze parsley while thyme was spread out to be dried on a baking tray.
- using the first Hokkaido pumpkin for our lunch. I just cut it into slices, sprinkled it with some salt and baked it in the oven at 180 degrees C. Simple as that and very delicious.
- spending lots of time in a kitchen yesterday, preparing an apple-plum-cranberries crumble. As Vlijtig said - sweet and simple although I found it quite time consuming. Especially cutting all those plums into small pieces. I will use more fruit and less crumble next time. And maybe less sugar too.
- a bit sad seeing mountains covered by snow. I don't think it will melt before next May or June. I will miss them, my refuge from an everyday life.
- gazing into the stars on Saturday between 7 and 8 p.m. hoping to see some of those promised 1000 shooting stars per hour. I saw only a few, far less than were promised. But the night was magnificent, quite warm and the skies cleared just in time. I have always loved stargazing. I thought of being an astronomer when I was still very young. Later I found out that you have to study physics to be that. A pity that we always had bad physics teachers. Though, I am not a night person, I go to bed early and prefer to wake up early.
This were the weekend happenings at home. I switched the heating on for the first time this season. And the warmth makes a home so much cozier than it is. I hope you had a nice weekend too.
I want to come to your house for dinner!
Ja, kljub vsemu jadikovanju, je tudi jesen čudovita. Mi smo ta vikend uživali na uličnem (kostanjevem) pikniku, ki smo ga tokrat popestili še s peko palačink. Župnik nam je posodil profi palačinkar in moram priznam, da sem neizmerno uživala na svojem "štantu" :)
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