Although that path was steep most of the time and in some parts also dangerous, I am not a bit sorry I took this adventure and went on this mountain. Probably the path is not officially marked and secured because top of the mountain is a rare solitary pasture (among rocks) for large number of chamois and ibex. I saw some, walking easily over the steep rocks. I stopped at a mountain pasture, empty at this time of year:

My mountain:

I thought at first I won't be able to stand on top because of one dangerous notch (there's precipice on both sides of it) but later I remembered I'd seen a sign made of rocks and followed it. This is a peak I stood on first, trying to find a way over the notch:

And about an hour later - me, happy on top:

Such beautiful view! Triglav on the right:

Italian mountains in a distance:

A peak I was standing on last year on a day when my granddad died:

Not everyone can stand on Debeli vrh but those who do are rewarded with one of the most beautiful views in Julian Alps. I wanted to stay up longer but clock was ticking and sun was low, so it was time to go down, back to my car.
This was one of the most beautiful days I ever spent in the mountains. I am so grateful for this warm sunny autumn weather we have but I can't agree more with SouleMama who wrote in her last post: "Saying goodbye to my favorite time of year always carries a little bit of melancholy for me."
Čudovito! Tvoja letošnja bilanca bo pa kar dobra ;-)
Se pa tud jaz podpišem pod zadnji stavek.
You live in such a beautiful part of the world!
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