Thursday, October 20, 2011


Snow, snow, let it snow. - it started snowing today, quite early this season. Snowflakes melt almost immediately.

- it is time to be creative again, it is time to make something new (lace not included; I will be able to show you my first real lace next week).

- I keep noticing that shops are beginning to stack shelves with Christmas products.

- I make herbal teas with lemon juice and honey every evening.

- I use gloves in the mornings while driving to work. Sometimes also when I drive back home.

It is getting cold and dark outdoors, it is getting cozy and warm indoors. Though, life still hasn't slowed down. Not yet. There's still lots to be done before winter truly knocks on our doors.


paperseed said...

Pretty snowflakes. And yes, that does seem terribly early.

Pina said...

Thanks, Emily. I made those snowflakes some years ago but I thought of making some other similar decorations before the holiday season actually starts. It would be nice to have something new on the windows. :)