Monday, August 18, 2014

Bogatin, a place where a treasure is hidden

Sometimes my legs feel like stones, and my hikes are far from pleasant because of this. I also don’t like strong winds and clouds that roll over the mountains while I am there. Indeed, I didn’t continue my last planned tour, I turned back. One more tick on my list, although there should have been two. It was a hard day, and I can’t really tell, why.
This was last year - a fox waiting to get some food when I was taking a break at the hut:
This year there was the same unpleasant keeper of the mountain hut but no fox. The remnants of the human stupidity, called the I. World War, were everywhere. So many young guys had to die because of one man who decided that there should be war. And he even didn’t live long enough so that he could see how many people had to die and suffer because of his signature on one single piece paper.
I’ve made plans for my next hikes, there are still so many places I have to go to. I just hope my legs will be lighter then, much lighter, and that weather will be nicer, much nicer.

1 comment:

Feronia said...

Amazing landscape. Lovely to see nature pushing over the remnants of war.