Monday, December 7, 2009

Why foreigners like Slovenia? - Part 3

One of the reasons why that guy likes Slovenia is also openness regarding nudity. I won't post any photos of the advertisement panels he is referring to in his article, because I don't have any, but obviously he liked an advertisement in the middle of the city center on one of those huge panels, on which was a photo of a topless woman. He writes that this would be impossible to see in the USA.I have nothing against nudity as long as it is not offensive for most of the people. There will be always someone opposing it, of course. The last couple of years Ž and I spent those few days during the summer holidays in (half) nudity camps. It feels much more pleasant to swim in the sea without any clothes on. After all we are all the same and we have nothing to be ashamed of. Certainly not of our own naked bodies.

Something is wrong with my health, but I have no idea, what would it be. Exhaustion? Toothache? Tablets? Maybe. I just worry a bit about the higher temperature, the slight burning under my skin. Obviously my body wants to heal itself. I wouldn't like to go to the doctor, at least not now when flu is all around. It is a straining working week ahead of me, so I am not sure I will be able to write many posts this time. But who knows? Enjoy yourselves!


Kačja pastirica said...

Tudi meni je všeč občutek golote na morju in sem zelo trpela na Malti, ker je prepovedano topless. Domačini te pridejo celo ozmerjat, če ne spoštuješ njihovih pravil.

Splošno slabo počutje - to je bila moja diagnoza prejšnji teden pri zdravniku. Počivati, vitamini, ne se preveč gnati.

Pina said...

Veš, da razmišljam o počitnicah. Že skoraj devet let nisem bila nikjer za več kot tri dni... mislim, da sem izčrpana od vsega skupaj. Vsaj upam, da je samo to.

P.s.: Hotela sem pustit nekaj komentarjev na tvojem blogu, pa mi ni uspelo - pri nas imamo strašanske težave s povezavo do spleta odkar imamo optiko...???