Monday, February 15, 2010

Olympic games, part 2

My cousin did good at the Olympics, he was 27th. He fell badly two times at the training, and broke his luge. You can imagine how afraid we were for him after hearing the news about his colleague's death. All ended well, and he said he was satisfied with the result. :)Foto by:, Reuters


Victoria said...

I was looking for him in the opening ceremony, but confess I didn't recognise him from your posts!

Pina said...

He has grown since the last Olympics. :) Or maybe he was repairing his luge at that time, I don't know. I haven't watched the opening ceremony, so I don't know if he was there at all.

Feronia said...

How worried you must have been after that terrible accident. I'm glad he's doing well.

paperseed said...

How wonderful. I bet it was a really exciting time for him, and I'm sure your family is proud.