Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cold northern winds

Well. It is cold outside and it is snowing. I like it. Though I hardly wait for the spring to come. Let me share with you some weekend goodness. Lots happened.

Saturday morning - with a group of people searching for the woodpeckers in the woods near river Mura. We did see a pair of middle woodpeckers; lucky people indeed. :)

Dead fox was lying on our path:

Food - ramsons (Allium ursinum):

Saturday evening - waiting for the eagle owls at the other part of Slovenia. I drove to a little village near our meeting point, and waited. Male and female started to call each other at 17:35. What a lucky woman I was that day. 71 people gathered that afternoon, and only eight eagle owls were heard.

More food, baked on Sunday. Bread and onion pie. I improvised a bit, but the result was delicious.

And for the end, something new in my living room. Finally. I hope your weekend was good, too. Now, let me have a cup of hot tea, there is snow blizzard outside.

Karma for today: Stir up warm, friendly feelings on a cold morning.


Urška Sem said...

Super, vse je SUUUPER! Vesela zate!

Pina said...

He, he, Piščanček, vse ZGLEDA super. Ampak je bilo kljub temu fajn. Se ti ob priliki kaj oglasim, se mi zdi, da samo še drvim...

Urška Sem said...

Ti samo uživaj, kolikor se da in kolikor ti nova službena funkcija dopušča. Ne obremenjuj se s pisanjem, saj veš, da smo vedno tukaj-tam, ker: Jaz Sem tukaj in Jaz Sem tam :-)

Anonymous said...

Lepo, slastno. A lahko recept za čebulno pito?
Sem pa tudi jaz v nedeljo pekla kruh. Polovico hleba smo pojedli še toplega - pred kosilom, zraven pa maslo, zaseko in domačo pašteto. Njami. Pa še družba je bila ta prava.
Ooo, hudo, kako mi je začelo kruliti po želodcu...

Pina said...

Testo (v originalu je sicer kvašeno):
-250g moke
-120g masla
-malo soli
-voda po potrebi (kar nekaj)
V originalnem receptu je še eno jajce, jaz sem ga izpustila.

-1,5kg čebule, narezane na tenke kolobarje, popražena na ca. 80g masla (po potrebi dodaš še več čebule, če je treba)
-eno jajce
-sol, začimbe po potrebi

Zamesiš in zvaljaš testo, jaz sem ga dala kar v pekač za torto. Nadevaš z nadevom in daš v pečico pečt pri 220 stopinjah za 10 minut. Potem čez naliješ 180ml sladke smetane (dodala sem ji sol, v originalnem receptu sta zraven še dva rumenjaka). Pečeš še 50 minut pri 180 stopinjah (ali je bilo 200?). No, v glavnem malo paziš, da se ti ne zažge. Jaz bi lahko pekla še kakšnih 10 minut, ker je bila precej vodena. Bolj okusna je bila naslednji dan, ker ni imela toliko okusa po masti v sladki smetani.

Dober tek! :)

Anonymous said...

Tnx; Bom spekla ob priliki.

paperseed said...

Looks like you had several adventures. That bread and onion pie looks so good, I'm going to try and find a recipe.

Also, we went to Ikea for that same unit, after admiring the one friends of ours got. Instead we opted for one with drawers, otherwise Chloe would be throwing everything off the shelves. Enjoy it!

paperseed said...

Oh, hey! I just realized you wrote the recipe in the comments. I had to use Google translate, but I think I get the gist of it. :-)

Feronia said...

Looks like a lovely weekend, Pina. Beautiful shot of the woods - are they poplar trees?

Pina said...

Google rules! :) If you need some help, let me know.

Those trees are black locusts, elms, alders and probably some others too, like oaks. I guess that poplars are not so common in that area, but I should ask someone about this.