Friday, April 2, 2010

Gifts from abroad

Yesterday in the morning I found several new things in a kitchen. Ž has come back from Montenegro where he was counting birds. Olive branches (olives are in a freezer, I forgot to take a photo of them):Two small pots for cooking coffee (it is called džezva where I live):And dried figs (yum!):He told me that people don't care about the environment there; he had never seen so much trash lying around anywhere before. Obviously people in Montenegro are used to live with trash they produce.

It is Easter time but I have to admit that it doesn't feel very festive here. I have decorated my home a bit, tomorrow I will dye the eggs, but my mom will do the baking and prepare our Sunday breakfast. Like usual. It is so when you don't have a family of your own...

Yesterday when I drove the magazines (yes, the first issue has been finally published!) to the post office, I stopped by to buy some stamps. Beauties were waiting for me: Four different stamps were issued and it is hard to decide which one is more beautiful. I can hardly wait for the time when I will be able to see those flowers again in real, on the meadows and among the rocks in the Alps.

Happy Easter!

Karma for today: Create your unique life.


Unknown said...

I have never eaten dried figs - do you eat them plain or use them in cooking??

Slovenia has the most beautiful postage stamps!

Happy Easter

Pina said...

Kari, I eat them plain, but some use them chopped in cookies, cakes, ...

If you want a set of those stamps, just let me know, I will be glad to send them to you.

Kačja pastirica said...

Ob džezvicah mi je kar srce zaigralo. Namreč, mesec dni nazaj sem ostala brez sarajevske džezvice, ker je nekdo dal kavo kuhat brez vode :-) in se je zažgala. Zdaj čakam na novo, kmalu iz Bosne ... Lepe praznike!

Feronia said...

Beautiful stamps, Pina! The alpine flowers are so lovely - I remember we saw some in Austria. And the figs look delicious. The ones we have here are imported from Greece. Happy Easter :)

paperseed said...

Lovely stamps and very thoughtful little gifts! That is interesting to hear about Montenegro. I don't know anything about it except for what I saw in a recent James Bond. Isn't that sad? How sometimes our only knowledge of a foreign place is what we see in the movies? I do remember that it seemed very beautiful, though.

Mojca said...

Sem pomislila, da kako tako džezvico bi pa tudi jaz imela, čeprav skoraj nikoli ne kuham turške kave. Ja, kadar jo, pa se mi vse poceja iz rostfrejaste džezve. Lani sem v Italiji kupila kafetiero in zdaj jo kdaj pa kdaj z veseljem uporabim in hkrati obujam spomine na tiste lepe kraje. Evo, bo treba enkrat v Sarajevo. Še nisem bila tam.