Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Complaining about the weather

The wind started to blow this morning, and in spite the temperature was the same as yesterday (-1 degrees C), the windshield on my car was not frozen. Hooray for the change of weather! I looked through the window this morning and realized that I haven't seen the stars for about two (or is it already three or even four?) weeks. Later, when I was drinking coffee with my colleagues, guys started to complain about the chilly and foggy weather we've been having for absolutely too long here in Ljubljana. Guys complaining over the weather? This doesn't happen often... They too are getting cold.

I left home on Thursday, and drove to the other part of Slovenia only to face another gray landscape and meet more people who complained about the fog. I had no other choice because I had to be there. I promised. I was cold most of the time, all four days in a row. The thought of going home on Sunday made me smile because I knew that it was warm there. It always is. Home sweet home, no matter how chaotic it looks like.

When we came back home Ž said that it was really nice to be in a warm and cozy place. It was good to hear that. And on Monday after work I drove up the nearby hill to see the sun after more than a week. I was getting crazy and depressed from this gray, piercing cold fog blanket over our heads.

I am glad that holidays are approaching. At least something that gives a little bit of light to everyday grayness. I don't like this time of a year, wet and damp and foggy and dark, leafless and soundless. Leafless? Well, not really. I was tripping over the rocks and roots covered by fallen leaves all the time these days...

P.s.: Those white storks on a picture above are made of socks; young girls and boys made them to raise money for their future projects.

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