Yesterday Ž and I went to visit her family's holiday house on a hill near Ljubljana. When we were finally there we didn't dare to go close to the building because it is a private property (as it was written on the board, and a dog was barking in front of the house). A local man was complaining about the man who rents the house. We walked on to the old castle which has been presumably standing there since 1015.
It seems to be falling apart very quickly. Unfortunately we missed the millstone quarry on our path.
We also visited the place where two (three) Slovenian rivers meet. Before the regulation four of them joined at that place.
It is interesting that I spotted this place when I was driving by on train. I didn't know about Ana Kansky then. While trying to find some more information about my ancestors this weekend I also visited a cemetery.
Accidentally I found Ana's grave.
In my opinion she was a woman with vision, and ahead of time. Thanks to her I learned something new and visited a place I most probably never would have. Because it is not, at least not for me, very appealing place.
Ti maš pa same intelektualce med predniki ;), moji so bili pa vsi po vrsti navadni kmetje.
Saj Ana ni bila moja prednica.
Moji predniki so bili tudi kmetje. :) Vsi pravzaprav, razen knjižničarja Matije, ki je postal meščan.
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