It is best to visit lace festival alone or with female. I can imagine how bored Ž would be if I took him along. In fact I was expecting more activities at the festival but anyway, I took home a couple of new patterns, together with some bobbins and thread. It was also interesting to see what kind of lace people sell; I can say that my lace is made much more thoroughly compared to many that I saw.
Patterns everywhere. Today they are made on computers, in the past they were drawn by hand. |
But now it is just that time of a year when it is more fun to be outside than sit behind the lace pillow. At least here where I live. Blue sky in the picture tells it all, and the temperatures above 30 degrees C, too.
Hi Pina,
I'm just catching up on all your posts - I haven't been spending much time in the blogging world lately. I'm so sorry to see that you lost your job. I have been self-employed for a long time now and I know how hard it can be to define who you are and what you do when you don't have a 'regular' job. Try to keep thinking positive - you truly never know what is around the next corner.
Looks like you had a beautiful holiday is Croatia. The weather looks wonderful!
Take care,
Emily x
Thanks Emily for your kind words. I know everything will be alright, sooner or later. It is just difficult at the beginning when the world colapses in one moment.
I know that feeling very well, Pina. As cliched as it sounds, just take it one day at a time, one step at a time. I'm happy to have an offline chat with you if you need a friendly ear :)
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