Friday, May 9, 2008

May day!

What do you do if somebody gives you a promise to do something and then she/he doesn't keep it? What do you do if this keeps happening over and over again?I wish you all to have a wonderful weekend!
On the photo: one of the newborns in my garden.


Victoria said...

Are you keeping this little one?

Promises, some say they're made to be broken, personally I think the nature of people is different. I generally know when asking if my promise is safe or not. I do ask of some things I consider a promise but they seem to take more lightly than that. It depends who it is and badly broken the promises are.

Pina said...

I hope to give away all the three little kittens in about a month and a half. I feed four cats already. Neighbors don't approve this. I know no person who would take those cats that are coming to my house. I have no heart to stop feeding them. I just like cats too much...