Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I've been tagged

By Eva.
So here are the Tag rules:
  1. Link to the person who tagged you (i.e. me)
  2. Post the rules on your blog
  3. Write 6 random things about yourself
  4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
  5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
  6. Let the tagger (me) know when your entry is posted.

Don't you already know everything about me? No? So:
  1. I don't scream often but
  2. I love ice-cream. Not so much the fruit ones, I am more a chocolate type.
  3. I haven't been at the hairdressers for 5 years. I cut my hair myself. Though it is time to visit one soon. I want it short again!
  4. I can't stand having long nails. I always cut them short.
  5. I don't like jazz music. But I like rock, country (yes, Kari, I know!) and classical one. My favorites of all times are Canon by Johann Pachelbel and soundtrack of Dances with Wolves. I just wonder what my neighbors think of me when I play them real loud?
  6. I love jigsaw puzzles. I have several at home (well, after my last move they ended up at my parent's house attic). Most of them are ancient maps because I love them, too.

I tag Victoria, Emily, Kristel, Kari, Dana and Flora. You are welcome to play along if you want to. It is always nice to read something new about yourselves.


Eva said...

Thanks for playing along!
How come you hate jazz? I absolutely love it! But it was n`t always so. I think it needs a perfect place, perfect company and a perfect song to get you attracted :) Jazz is so various, I`m sure one day you find something from this style too!

Pina said...

Oh, I don't know why I don't like it. It is probably the same with anything else in life. Like food. It seems my brain just doesn't like it... :)