Thursday, October 2, 2008

A tree

It is obvious that I am a bookworm and that I often read unusual books. This time I am reading a story about the daughter of the Sun as told by Maya Indians. In the introduction the author of the book tells us that Maya believed that people were like a tree.

As I could understand, it is like this: at first you are just a shoot, a little branch that becomes a huge trunk that carries lots of branches. I would say that branches are the knowledge that we gain through our life or things that we accomplished. We grow or sometimes we just perish.My favorite trees are pines, oaks and birches. Just look at the trees around you - in which one do you see resemblance to yourself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know about resemblance, but I really like white pines, oaks, and sweet gum trees.

- Carol