Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Do you remember these little birds I made last year for my colleagues at work?

I meet with my friend tomorrow and as she is having her birthday in just a few days (and because I am sure that she will hardly have time to meet me again before the beginning of 2009, having three kids, a full time job, holidays approaching and besides she doesn't live nearby), I will give her a small present tomorrow. I decided to make a little bird, which is not only stuffed with poliester stuffing but with a little bit of lavender, too. If I have time today (yes, it is time for my course again!), I will bake some cookies for her, otherwise I will just pin this blue bird on to a box of delicious pralines. She loves sweets and her favorite color is blue.


Anonymous said...

The bird is cute.

Happy Thanksgiving from Indiana - it is tomorrow, but I don't check the web at home, only at work. We have two days off for Thanksgiving.
I am baking tonight and then again tomorrow before I start the turkey, so I will hope my baking turns out as nice as yours.
- Carol

Victoria said...

I know those birds!!! Your stitching is so neat and such a lovely idea with lavender. Ella picks lavender from the garden most weeks to keep under her pillow to ensure sweet dreams.

Pina said...

We don' celebrate Thanksgiving here in Slovenia but anyway, I wish you, Carol, a lovely day with your loved ones. I wish I could see what you baked, I am sure it is delicious! :)

Victoria, yes, 'your' birds! :) I think they are the cutest of them all. It is interesting that Ella likes the smell of lavender, I think that most children don't. Good idea, putting the lavender under the pillow. I will try that myself, now when I have lots of dried lavender.

Pina said...

Barbara, odgovor zate je pa ob tvojem komentarju ob mojih belih in rdečih ptičkah.