Thursday, December 11, 2008


When I was a little girl, and even later, one of my favorite TV cartoons was Stripy. Do you know it? In each one there is a funny striped creature with a long nose trying to prevent big fat mustached man to do what he wants to do. Of course, Stripy is always right but at the end the nicest part is when everyone laughs. Also that serious fat man.

Not long ago I have received an e-mail with his laughter. Everyone in the office laughed that day!Geninne's blog is the first blog I read every day when I am behind the screen. So, on November 19 her son Daniel celebrated his birthday and for this occasion she had made him a beautiful sock monkey. That day she asked us to suggest the names for the monkey. In the same moment when I saw the photo of it, a name Stripy came to my mind. So, I submitted my name - Stripy.

And guess what? Daniel has chosen it among so many others! Oh, how happy I was! And you can't imagine how happy I was yesterday, when I was finally holding an envelope from Geninne in my hands! She is so generous! And I was so pleased when I saw that neatly written 'thank you' notice from Daniel. THANK YOU, Geninne and Daniel, for such a wonderful mail!

P.s.: I apologize for a bad quality of photos, yesterday was a murky rainy day and there was no appropriate light to take photos. I will substitute them for better ones if there are some brighter days in the near future. I suggest you visit Geninne's blog to see the pictures in good quality.

P.p.s.: Now I have no excuse anymore not to go to IKEA very soon to buy some nice frames for Geninne's beautiful postcards and wonderful picture of Stripy.

1 comment:

paperseed said...

Wow, good job! Those are gorgeous postcards. I'd be proud to display such a beautiful set, too.