Thursday, September 17, 2009

Empty home

Finally, after a year and a half, floor in my home will be renewed. We had to empty the ground floor completely. It was lots of work yesterday in the afternoon, I went up and down the stairs too many times. What I most fear is time when we will have to put everything back. This is how the mess looks like on the upper floor right now:I will stay at my parent's until Tuesday when I will be again able to sleep in my bed. After that the walls have to be mended and painted. I hope my house will soon become a home, like it should have years ago. Home, where it will be cozy and pleasant, where people will love to come to. Including me. And you.

P.s.: Today that dog was standing sadly on the other side of the road. I looked at it and it looked at me with big brown eyes...


Kačja pastirica said...

Uuu, meni je pa najboljše od vsega, ko začneš postavljati stvari na svoje mesto in dobivajo svojo podobo. Zgleda zelo prijetno, toplo, domače.
Danes je moje počutje podobno kužkovemu. Zjutraj se mi je zgodila krivica in tudi gledam žalostno z rjavimi očmi. Uživaj v pospravljanju!

Pina said...

Jah, saj če bi imela dovolj omar, niti ne bi bilo problema, ampak jih zaenkrat še nimam... Vse ob svojem času, pravim.
Upam, da bo krivica popravljena, in da bodo rjave očke popoldne sijale v sreči. :)

Feronia said...

Good luck getting things as you like them, Pina. It takes time. I have moved three times in the last ten years and I am only now starting to get my surroundings really as I want them. By the way, does the dog have an owner?

Pina said...

I have moved seven times in the last 13 years, so it would really be time to settle down for a few years in a cozy home. I agree, Emily, it takes time. I am almost sure I will move at least once more if I live long enough.
I guess that dog has an owner, though it is hard to say so, just driving by every day.

Feronia said...

Yes, definitely time to put down some roots, Pina!