Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Up there again

These summer days bring magic into my life. At least it seems so. I feel happy and at ease and I know that things will eventually fall into their place when the time is right.

I received a call the other day from my ex colleague at work with an invitation to join an ornithological excursion as high as 2000 m above sea level. Of course I joined old colleagues on Friday, and spent two wonderful days on the mountain meadows beneath Mangrt, one of the highest Slovenian mountains. It was still lots of snow up there, so we stayed in the shadow of this mountain instead of reaching its peak.

Birds were there, not as many as expected, beds of Alpine flowers were spread out everywhere, mountain hut was pleasantly warm and pancakes with home made strawberry jam were delicious. What counted most was a bear hug from my ex co-worker, accompanied with soothing words and long talks about almost everything possible with people who joined the excursion. We shared our knowledge, offered a listening ear, laughed together and silently sat on the bed of flowers while waiting for the birds. It felt so good to be there.

Today mountains have been once again covered by fresh snow. Will we ever have normal weather again?


Anonymous said...

It has not been normal here either. Or should I say it is all notched up a bit, or completely out of whack. Every thunderstorm now seems like a really bad one. Hopefully this will pass. Nice pictures!

Feronia said...

I am so glad to see you here in blogland again, Pina!! Welcome back x