Friday, December 14, 2007

Sunny day

Another beautiful morning. Stars. Later blue sky. Sun rays. Happiness.

I made it yesterday; I went for a walk and enjoyed it very much. I took lots of photos. Here are some I share with you, so that you too can see, how happy I was to feel the sun again on my skin. Overjoyed. And yet it is another beautiful day ahead.

Can you see the sunshine caught in the grass and branches?

The path I take almost every day. If I have at least some spare time. (The ditches are dug out so the water flows away. Otherwise our houses would be flooded!) Flowers on the threshold of winter. And blue, blue sky!

Bare branches, no leaves. Sunshine that makes trees beautiful. Mountains covered with snow. In a distance white tower of Ljubljana castle. Somewhere in between I live. In a little yellow house.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

My god Pina it's so breathtakingly beautiful. Do you live in a country town, it seems quite remote and the pictures are amazing - I must get a new camera or improve my own skills! My own life is so terribly urban by comparison.