Monday, March 31, 2008

Who would you like to meet? Part 2

I was thinking about this question quite a while during my days off work. Indeed there are many people I would like to meet, but my first choice would be Dalai Lama. I listened to his lecture on 6th July 2002 on a beautiful sunny day in Ljubljana's Park Tivoli. His words made me think. Of different aspects in life.
A woman I would like to meet is Sophia Loren. I have one of her cookbooks and I think it would be wonderful to be invited to dinner she would cook (of course!). Mr B claimed that I looked like her but I see absolutely no resemblance between us. Funny thing is that he was not the only one who said that...

Thank you for sharing your choices with me. It would be interesting to meet all of those people that are on your list, too. Though, I am not sure I would have enough courage to invite them to dinner that I would cook. :)

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