Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fruits of the nature

The other day I made one small jar of barberry jam. It took me two hours! But it is a delicacy, well worth a trouble.And it is raspberry season again! There have never been so many growing in my garden. Of course they are eaten straight from the bush. My grandmom used to make syrup out of them, but there are not enough of them growing in my garden for that. It is healthier if I eat them straight away. Well, I do share them with Ž ... sometimes. :)


Feronia said...

Don't share them! This reminds me of the raspberry bushes my grandma had growing in her garden too...

Pina said...

:) Nice advice, Emily.

Kačja pastirica said...

Mmm, zgleda slastno. Mami, sestra, "tašča" me zalagajo z različnimi marmeladami (jagodno, figovo, slivovo, pomarančino...), da se sama sploh ne spravim k takšnemu ustvarjanju. Morda pa nekoč jaz njih presenetim.

Unknown said...

Sounds delicious! One of my very favorite things was my grandmother's blackberry jam. Now that she is gone, I miss it so much.

Pina said...

Mmm, figova marmelada... Jaz do nje sploh ne pridem, ker fige že prej pojem... Mnjam!

Pina said...

I thought of making blackberry jam this year, but I was too late picking them... Maybe next year and then I will send one jar your way, too, Kari. :)