This influence can bring with it a deeply satisfying, liberating experience; perhaps you will simply enjoy yourself with more gusto and freedom than usual and take pleasure in life. There may be a very meaningful encounter during this time - with your partner, someone close to you, or someone whom you have never met before.~Robert Hand, Planets in transit, transit valid for me for 1 September 2009~
First day of September is first day of school for pupils in Slovenia. I spent this beautiful day - I am sure you have guessed it where - in the mountains. I haven't been up there for nearly a month, and believe me, those peaks had been calling me for quite some time - COME!I spent a wonderful day in company of completely unknown man. I met him on my way up the mountain, and we talked and talked and talked, and walked and walked and walked, for about ten hours. And I thought of spending a day completely on my own with my own thoughts!
On the way I spotted one of the rare birds in Slovenia, flying over me and landing on a rock nearby. Just to make my day even more perfect!
The view from Krn (called Monte Nero in Italian) is one of the most beautiful views from our mountains. Weather was so nice that I could even see the sea from it. Amazing, really. I wanted to visit the ruins from the I. World War, where the fiercest battles of Soča front took place, but it was already very late. Poor people who had to fight there for a stupid idea of bunch of people.
I found two treasures this day, one on top of Krn, and the other one in Zelenci near Kranjska Gora, where river Sava rises. It was almost dark when I got there, so I didn't take any photos of that emerald lake with springs. On my way back home I picked up two hitchhikers, two Austrian guys who were climbing the mountains the same day. We had a nice chat and they were very grateful that I gave them a lift - it was getting dark and they had about 20 km to their car.
Just before that I tried to find another treasure, next to the emerald waters of Soča river, but I wasn't successful. I had to cross a hanging bridge and it was quite exciting to swing to
and fro, not knowing if the boards of the bridge will hold my weight. Loved it!
When I was standing on top of the mountain, I was thinking of this how far we can actually walk with our own feet, and how much a man can endure if he has to. We can get very far with patience. One more lesson I am taking right now.
P.s.: I know, there are lots of photos today in my post, but who knows if I am going to the mountains this year again.
Čudovito!! Prava milina za oči in dušo.
:) Delim z veseljem!
Beautiful photos!
What a lovely post. Each picture was so nice, I'm glad you shared them all.
With pleasure! :)
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