Not much is happening right now in my life. August has always been one of the happiest months in a year for me, and hopefully this year it will also be so. Our garden is giving us lots of vegetables every day, but I am a lazy cook and I stick to the classical and simple food.

I baked chocolate cookies yesterday in the afternoon, for a colleague of mine who is always very kind to share his crop of figs with me. I have received lots of peaches, apples and raspberries. There's so much of everything that it is impossible to consume all that food at once. I made peach jam the other day. I will have to bake something with apples, otherwise they will rot. The eggplant season has started and I will have to give away paprikas...
A week or so ago Ž gave me this green kayak as a birthday present.
We tried it on a nearby creek. I can hardly wait to try it on a river nearby. It is too heavy for me to lift it alone, so I will have to buy a cart on wheels. I named it Zelenc, the Green One.
And yes, mountains will have to wait this year. :)
Karma for today: Wherever you are, whatever you encounter is meant to provide you with exactly what you need right now. (Though I often wonder, why some events have to happen, when we suffer so much.)
Zdaj sta pa prava zabarja ;)
Classic and simple food looks good to me!
Mmm, tvoja zelenjava me dela lačno in krivo, ker si ne vzamem časa za kuhanje in večkrat zgnijejo vse dobrote.
Srečno z Zelencem, čudovito darilo :)
I'd love to share one of your "simple" meals anyday. And congrats on that wonderful gift! So many adventures await you... I can tell!
:) Believe it or not, but I have never cooked a meal for more than two people at once.
Zelenc is at the moment waiting for some rain as the water in our creek is very low.
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