Thursday, January 13, 2011

Knit knit, part 2

I wanted to write this post yesterday, but a colleague came, sat down and chatted, chatted, chatted... I wonder if people really don't notice that we want to go home, or are they just testing us when we will finally stand up and leave. I had to do just that; words about this that I had no time because I have a lecture later were ignored. Bad timing, unfortunately. I was knitting these past days. A hat. I look like a dwarf having it on my head, so I will probably have to knit a part of it again and use some other wool for a hat like the one on the photo. I have plans, but I am not so sure I will be able to make what's on my mind. First I will have to visit my mom to borrow some knitting needles from her. She used to knit a lot when she was in her twenties and thirties. I have come upon two great web sites with lots of patterns: Ravelry and DROPS Design. The latter has also some good tutorials. So, let's knit! :)


Kačja pastirica said...

Čudovita kapa, si jo kar predstavljam v moji ljubi ciklamni barvi.

Urška Sem said...

Oho, spretni & hitri prstki :-) Bravo.
Barva je 1A!, naj ti kapa lepo greje ušeska. Jaz kap nikoli ne nosim: le kapuco in kučmo iz las :-)

Feronia said...

That looks great!

Pina said...

@Kačja pastirica: Pošlji volno, pa ti jo seštrikam. :)

Kačja pastirica said...

Res???!! Iiii, nimam pa pojma koliko volne se potrebuje za kapo? Grem takoj v akcijo :))) you made my evening :)

paperseed said...

I feel like I haven't knit in ages. It would be good to get back to it now that all I want to do is sit all the time. That hat looks cozy. :-)