Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pen friends

Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. ~Richard Bach

I don't know if I have told anyone of you that I used to have many pen pals in my teens. When I was about 12 years old I sent a letter to BBC Radio and my address was told on the air in one of their midnight shows. I received many letters from all over the world. Some were just asking me to send them jeans or some other goodies (those from the ex-USSR or Eastern European countries) while with some people I was keeping friendly contacts over many years.

We were getting older and some stopped writing to me or I stopped writing to them. Jetty from the Netherlands, Robert from Poland, Kathrin from Germany, Janette from Malaysia, Jorunn from Norway, Ralfs from Latvia and Jason from Britain were those who stayed my friends until I »grew up«. I met Jetty and Jason in person, they both visited me. Jetty just for a day, Jason for a couple of weeks. My parents were not really thrilled over this but we "survived". Those weren't the easiest years of my life, I can say. I was so childish (well, I still am, I admit) though all I needed was love and support (and I still do, I guess).

I lost all contacts with these people over years, too. About a month ago I was thinking of them again. What do they do, are they still alive, what has become of them?

Then dad called me on Sunday and read me a message in English that he had received. It was from Jason. He found me through my dad. I had a smile on my face wondering what should I write to him. My life story in a few sentences?

For sure it felt good to receive his e-mail next day with the same friendly way of writing as sooooo many years ago. British people are polite, you know, as long as they don't sit behind the tv screen watching soccer. :) The truth is that I am glad that he has found me. It feels good to share the stories of our lives and recall memories from the past.


Kačja pastirica said...

Uau,čudovito! Lepo si napisala. Zato je življenje lepo, ker te lahko kadarkoli preseneti.

Pina said...

Se stinjam. Ko že misliš, da je vse brezveze, se že kaj zgodi, da spet posije sonček. :)