Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Po prijetnem vzponu bomo morda zadovoljno obsedeli visoko nad nemirno dolino in se zazrli v razgibani svet okoli nas. Če bi nas takrat kdo hotel zmesti z vprašanjem, zakaj rinemo tja gor, bi mu lahko odgovorili tako enostavno, kot je dr. Frischaufu pred dobrim stoletjem odgovoril pastir na samotnem vrhu: »Tu je tako lepo, tako daleč se vidi.«
~ Andrej Stritar ~
I stayed at home past weekend, and surrounded myself with guidebooks and maps. Not any kind of guidebooks and maps. I feel like as I have missed so many wonderful hikes this summer, so I made plans which peaks and pastures I wish to visit next year. Or at least some day. It is hard to except the fact that my dad won't be able to climb one of the highest Slovenian mountains just because his illness has worsen. Hopefully I will stand on top of this mountain one day for him, although I have never thought of climbing it. With a company of a good guide I will make it, I am sure. I am not bold enough to go alone. I also did some planting beside flipping through the pages of the guidebooks. Again I spent too much money on bulbs but I really hope my garden will not look so chaotic next year as it was this one. Have I mentioned that this garden of mine is absolutely too small for all the wishes I have? :)

Yes, I was daydreaming about next year but at the same time I was enjoying now. It felt so good.

1 comment:

Feronia said...

Living today and looking forward to tomorrow. Not a bad plan, Pina :)