Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lace heart

I enjoyed making this lace heart although the corner was in some way difficult to make. We haven't learned how to make corners at the course, so I followed the instructions in a book. There are only five threads drawn in the book while I had six of them.

In the end the heart looks quite good despite the mistakes I made. But those are probably visible only to those who make lace themselves. I also don't know how to properly join the ending threads with the beginning of the lace (the joint looks kind of bulky) but hopefully I will learn that one day too.

Practice makes perfect and right now all my attempts to make something nice are just a simple practice.


Kačja pastirica said...

Uau, čudovito. Spominja me na prvo čipko, ki sem jo kupila v idrijskem muzeju. Srček, toda v rdeči barvi - ponavadi so vedno v belem, takrat pa mi je rdeč tako zelo v oči padel, da sem ga morala kupiti.

Pina said...

:) Ja, rdeč srček je prav gotovo zelo lep. Zaenkrat kot začetnica klekljam v beli barvi, ker se lepše vidijo napake in jih potem mogoče še pravočasno opazim in popravim. Če bom pridna, se bom pa po par letih lotila tudi kakšne barvne kombinacije.

Feronia said...

Lovely! I also love your comment that the book showed 5 threads, while you had 6! I know that feeling so well while crafting :)