I thought of sharing this photo with you:
Photo by: Monika P. |
She will be 43 this summer but she keeps daydreaming of many of things. She still doesn't color her hair although many hairdressers would love to do that for her (by the way, she hasn't been at the hairdressers for nine years). She wears her favorite t-shirt in this picture because of a plain reason - it is written
Custer, Montana on it (she loves the American plains, you know, and the Indian spirit that seems to be hanging somewhere above the prairie grass). And of course, green is her favorite color. Usually you will see her with a camera in her hands, just like in this photo above.
She knows she still has a lot to learn, mostly the things about herself. Although, she will always keep that childlike spirit in her soul.
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I really like this, Pina. :-)
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